I'm What an awesome weekend I just had. Portland Modern Quilt Guild (PMQG )hosted the amazing Melissa Averinos. She gave a talk at the meeting on Thursday then has a Making Cat Faces class on Friday, followed by a two day Making Faces class. She has such an amazing story and her work is so inspiring. I was able to spend the whole weekend with her and am so glad I did.
Here is Melissa giving her talk at our guild meeting.
Here are the two cats I made on Friday....
See much fun!
These are the pieces made by the entire class.
And then on to Saturday and Sunday
These are Melissa's pieces before we start class.
She taught us face drawing from the ground up.
Starting with a basic circle. To turn that into some pretty amazing pieces.
One of mine from the first day.
This guy has some oxygenation issues with the blue lips!
Adding a little character.
This was a little mug rug I made
and gifted to Melissa to
Say thank you!
Day two....
These were my pieces for day two.
And these were at the end of our class. Pieces made by my fellow classmates!

Truly a weekend to remember. And if you ever get the chance to hear Melissa or
Better yet take a class from her....